Thursday 5 December 2013

Goodbye 2013 !


    We are to the end of year and is usual think about the things we have done during 2013. Some of them are good and other not much, but I think that with each one we learned something and we grow in our life.

    For me the 2013 was a good year, I did too many new things and in general - thinking in my personal life like also my university life - I have had a good luck (:. I met to nice and funny people, also I knew beautiful and interesting places and I did job activities so entertaining that were flexible to my time.

   But now, when I start to remember with detail all the things of this year, I found a situation that I can say it wasn’t good. This situation it was a day when I went riding to my bicycle and a car crashed me in a street corner. Thanks to Ganesha I broke nothing or something like that, all thanks to my bicycle; I just burst into tears because I scared with the collision and I saw myself in the middle of the street with cars by two directions. I said thanks to my bicycle because it received the impact, the wheels and handlebars were so bad and the brakes broke. The good it was that the car man was responsible and he paid all the damages.

    Another thing, but so sweet and nice, it was that I gave to my mom a little dog. Today she tells me all the adventures of the doggy and she is so happy with this new member of the family.

   Well for the moment I don’t remember other situations but if you know me you can imagine the things I have lived. You should do the same, it’s good remember our experience.
